Five Things You Might Not Know About Massage Therapists

Massage therapy is often seen as a relaxing and rejuvenating experience, but there’s so much more to it than meets the eye! Massage therapists are skilled professionals with deep knowledge of the human body and a few behind-the-scenes stories you might not anticipate. Here are five surprising things you might not know about your massage therapist.

1. We do lots of laundry.

You may come in for an hour of relaxation, but behind the scenes, there’s a lot of work involved — especially laundry. Between all the sheets, blankets, and towels we use, laundry becomes a never-ending part of the job. If you hate doing laundry, massage therapy might not be the career for you! But for us, it’s just part of the process that ensures a clean, comfortable environment for each client.

2. We know a lot about the human body.

It’s not just about working out knots. Massage therapists spend countless hours studying human anatomy and physiology. The place where you feel pain might not even be the root of the issue — that’s why experienced therapists are so good at identifying the actual problem spots. We understand the interconnectedness of the body and how tension in one area can affect others. We’ve taken the classes, and honestly, we find it all pretty fascinating!

3. We adapt to the unexpected (and sometimes funny) moments.

Massages are meant to relax the body, but sometimes that leads to unexpected moments. Yes, that means farts happen, and we promise — we don’t mind! Your body relaxes, and things like gas or acid reflux can come up. We’re used to it. Sometimes, we might even need to switch from a table to a chair massage if you’re more comfortable that way. Whatever happens, we’re ready to adapt and make sure you have the best experience possible.

4. We struggle to prioritize self-care, too.

Even though we preach the importance of self-care, we’re human too. That means sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves. Life gets busy, and while we know how beneficial self-care can be, we don’t always practice what we preach. Just like you, we need the occasional reminder to slow down and take time for our own well-being.

5. We can hold space for the hard things.

Massage therapy doesn’t just release physical tension; it can also bring up emotional releases. Whether it’s a stressful week or something deeper, we understand that emotions can surface during a session. While we’re not counselors, we strive to create a safe and supportive space for you to let those emotions out. If you ever feel like crying during a massage, it’s completely okay, and we’re here to hold space for you. If you don’t feel comfortable being vulnerable with your massage therapist, it might be time to find one you can trust.

Massage therapists do so much more than relieve muscle tension. From laundry duty to emotional support, we’re dedicated to making sure you feel comfortable, safe, and cared for during every session. Ready to book your next massage? We’re here to help you unwind — body and mind.


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