Pregnant woman receiving side-lying massage

Pregnant woman receives side-lying massage.

Face down or nah?

During your first trimester it is safe to receive massage face up/face down. Getting into the second and third trimesters, or if you’re just more comfortable doing so, we do a side-lying massage. Plenty of pillows!

What if I need to pee?!

This is perfectly normal during massage due to relaxing the nervous system, but even more so when you have a human sitting on your bladder! We will have a robe available for any during session runs to the washroom!


Uncomfy? Nauseous/acidy? Lactating?

If you’re uncomfortable during your session, please let us know. We will do whatever we can to accommodate and make you comfortable. Lactating? No need to worry! We have moisture proof covers on our massage tables changed out between sessions. Get cozy!

Body changes and Essential oil Contraindications

We want you to know that we understand pregnancy brain fog, feeling clumsy due to joint changes, and caring for those needs. In case of aromatherapy interest, we will steer you away from essential oils that might be harmful for your pregnant or postnatal state.


Have more questions? Please feel free to let us know! Email us at or call (405) 787-0313