How Massage and Chiropractic Work Together
Massage therapy and chiropractic care both aim to relieve pain, increase range of motion, and reduce stress. They focus on two separate aspects of the musculoskeletal system and can work in conjunction with one another. Chiropractic care focuses on aligning the spine, bones, and joints, otherwise known as hard tissues. Massage therapy focuses on soft tissues, including the muscles and tendons surrounding and supporting the spine and bones. These two aspects of the body function together, and it’s important to treat them both.
When your body is out of alignment and your muscles are tense and full of knots, it’s hard to know which problem came first or if they occurred together. Tight muscles can pull your skeletal system and joints out of alignment. In turn, a misaligned spine and joints stress your muscles and create tension and knots. Together, you have a recipe for bodily stress, tension, and pain. Oftentimes, the most beneficial approach comes from combining the two treatments and regularly visiting both a massage therapist and a chiropractor.
How massage therapy works
One of the hallmarks of massage is increased circulation to specific muscles. This increased blood flow aids in healing, both for the muscle and for any surrounding injured joints. The muscles themselves are relaxed and stretched, which reduces pain and fatigue and can also reduce muscle spasms and soreness. Not only does this bring pain relief and better function and range of motion, but it feels wonderful and relaxing.
How chiropractic care works
Chiropractic adjustment realigns the skeletal system, which allows for proper movement and full range of motion in the joints. Proper alignment allows the body to fully heal from injury, which in turn reduces pain, releases stress, and allows for relaxation. When your body is aligned properly, it can function properly. This proper function can be seen in improved sleep, better posture, and even improved function for your organs.
Where to start
Sometimes it can be difficult to decide if you should schedule your massage before or after your chiropractic adjustment. It’s ultimately about what works best for you. In general, acute injuries may benefit from having a massage before the adjustment to help loosen your muscles and relieve pain. This can allow your adjustment to be more effective. If your pain is more soreness and stiffness, particularly in the back, an adjustment first might be the best approach. The adjustment can help loosen your muscles by releasing them from their misaligned position, which allows your body to receive maximum benefit from a soothing massage.
Whether you choose chiropractic care before or after your massage, the two therapies will work together to help your body function in its best possible state.