Wellness Tips from our Blog.
Health and Wellness: Addition Versus Subtraction
Here are just a few ways to think about addition versus subtraction when it comes to health and wellness.
Trauma, Touch, and Ensuring a Safe Massage Experience
For those who have experienced trauma related to touch, particularly if it was perpetrated by someone they trust, massage can sometimes trigger difficult memories or cause a negative reaction in the body.
The Benefits of Touch
Throughout childhood and adulthood, we seek connection, comfort, and care through hugs, hand holding, and other contact with friends, family, and even people we don’t know well.
Alcohol, Drugs, and Massage: Why They Don’t Mix
Whether it’s relaxation or extra pain relief the client is seeking, we strongly recommend not using alcohol or drugs before a massage.
How to Handle Discomfort During a Massage
There are many little and big things that can cause discomfort during a massage, but your massage therapist is equipped to handle those things and help you have a relaxing experience.
Benefits of Adding CBD Oil to a Massage
There are many different uses for products containing CBD, and one of our favorites is using CBD oil in massages.
Massage and Pregnancy
Often, pregnant women ask if massage is safe during pregnancy. We want to claim it loud and clear: not only is it safe (with a few precautions) but there are also many benefits to massage during and after pregnancy
Caring for Your Spirit
Caring for your spirit is an essential part of your overall wellness, but sometimes it can be hard to pinpoint what exactly that entails.
Caring For Your Mind
Positively or negatively, how we care for our minds reaches directly to the body and the spirit. Many times, our mindset determines the level of care we put into the habits and routines that keep our body and spirit well.
Caring For Your Body
Caring for our bodies daily is essential, in both large ways and small ways.